sunnuntai 18. marraskuuta 2012

Do Tank Helsinki 2012 To end with some words

Some days ago we started with some words.
Now let´s try to end with some words (even the verb to end is not approriate at all, this all just continues...)

Questions, thoughts, responses etc:
"When a tree falls in a forest and no one sees it, did it really happen?"
Considering and re-considering attention and doing and not-doing.

Gaining (and sharing) understanding how much society and our lives as humans are influenced also by non-humans and all different kinds of connections, relations, consequences, layers, networks, dialoques and attachments, that are existing, constantly moving, changing, dying and being born.

Also how much organisational part influences the artwork and the festival.

How aware are you of different relations and connections? How aware you´d like to be or how much you´d like to know?  How much you should know? How do you define your own responsibility?As an artist? As a human being?

Being influenced and inspired by the pondering of what is the activist part of art? my art?

The growing interest in collecting practices & observations and willingness to share them.

Bruno Latour and his influence.

Art as an agent of change.

Questioning how much art thinking and it´s changing paradigmas are spreading outside the art context? How much you´d need them to spread? Who else would need them to spread? How do you know?

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